To Doula or not to Doula... That is the Question. A letter from a skeptical Dad

Dear Fellow Dads-to-Be,

Childbirth. My God.

Are you ready to embark on this wild rollercoaster of a journey called fatherhood?  Has your wife/partner mentioned getting a doula?  I must admit, when it came to the whole doula thing, I was as skeptical as they come. It felt like stepping into uncharted territory and surrendering my "dad expertise" to a professional baby-whisperer. But, oh boy, let me tell you, my fellow doubting dads, I've had a revelation, and I just had to share it with you.

During our first pregnancy, I thought I had everything figured out. Armed with my trusty "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book, I felt invincible. I thought, "Who needs a doula? I've got this!" Spoiler alert: I did not "have this." I quickly realized that all the parenting books in the world couldn't prepare me for the emotional whirlwind of pregnancy and childbirth.  During our first childbirth, I was like a deer in headlights. I didn't know what to do, where to stand, or how to provide real support. It was like a chaotic dance with no rhythm, and I'm sure I looked like a lost penguin trying to waddle its way through an obstacle course. 

Fast forward to our second pregnancy, and my wife had been dropping not-so-subtle hints about hiring a doula. I resisted, I really did. I feared that having a doula around would make me feel like a mere bystander rather than an active participant in the process. I mean, what was my role if there was a professional doula to take care of everything? But I decided to give it a shot and reluctantly agreed.  Let me tell you, that decision was the best thing I could have done for our family. From the moment we met our doula, I knew I was in for a ride. She was a walking encyclopedia of pregnancy knowledge, and her sense of humor put us at ease instantly. I even learned a thing or two, despite my initial know-it-all attitude.   I can honestly say it was like leveling up in the game of dad-dom. Yeah, I said it - a GOOD doula is like a cheat code for acing this whole child birth thing.

She managed to involve me in the process without making me feel incompetent. She guided me on how to be a supportive partner – massaging my wife's back and cracking dad jokes to lighten the mood (yes, I am the master of dad jokes now).

Having a doula gave me the confidence to be there for my wife without feeling lost or overwhelmed. I was no longer a spectator but an active participant in the most incredible and intimate experience of our lives. And when our second child finally entered the world, I felt like the proudest and most prepared dad on the planet.

So, dear fellow dads, my message to you is this: Embrace the doula experience with humility and an open heart. They aren't there to replace us; they're there to enhance and support our roles as partners and fathers. The journey into parenthood is a wild, beautiful, and sometimes bewildering one. Having a doula by your side is like having a knowledgeable and hilarious tour guide leading you through the peaks and valleys.

In the end, I can confidently say that hiring a doula was one of the best decisions we (my wife) ever made. They are like magical beings who sprinkle wisdom, laughter, and a touch of sanity onto the crazy ride of pregnancy and childbirth.

So, here's to doulas, fatherhood, and to all the dads out there – may we embrace the unknown and learn to waddle through life's adventures with grace and a dash of humor.

Wishing you all the best on this crazy ride!


A Former Doula Skeptic Turned Enthusiastic Dad

Are you looking for a doula? Here’s some of our favorites:

Doulas at birthED (all independent contractors)

Kristen Mollan

Natalie Truong

Priscilla Muschamp

Elizabeth Hochman